Firewatch: Achievements and Trophies

Firewatch: Achievements and Trophies

PSN Trophies
PSN Trophies
'Good first day.'
'Good first day.'
Completed The 1st Day
'To go back to work.'
'To go back to work.'
Completed Day 2
'Someone out here.'
'Someone out here.'
Completed Day 76
'To burn the place down.'
'To burn the place down.'
Completed Day 77
Fire alarm system
Fire alarm system
Completed Day 79
Xbox Live achievements
Xbox Live achievements
La Vita e i Tempi di Raccoon Carter
La Vita e i Tempi di Raccoon Carter
Le mani sull'incontro con la fauna locale.
Ape Trama
Ape Trama
Trovare un'ape.
Amore Turts
Amore Turts
Adottare una tartaruga.
Ol' Shoshone
Ol' Shoshone
Trovare e ascoltare la registrazione della canzone 'Ol' Shoshone.'
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