Body urban (Level 1) Build 10 houses (hovels, houses or villas, the improvements do not count) in the course of most games | Build 10 houses (hovels, houses or villas, the improvements do not count) in the course of most games |
Death spike (Level 1) Build 20 throwers of the javelin, in the course of most games | Build 20 throwers of the javelin, in the course of most games |
Waves rich! (Level 1) Complete 10 waves, accumulated in the course of most games, at any difficulty level | Complete 10 waves, accumulated in the course of most games, at any difficulty level |
Claim this earth (Level 1) Build 10 banners of war in the course of most games | Build 10 banners of war in the course of most games |
Good neighbourhood (Level 1) Build 100 sections of walls (simple or battleships, the improvements do not count) in the course of most games | Build 100 sections of walls (simple or battleships, the improvements do not count) in the course of most games |
Death pointed (Level 2) Build 50 throwers of the javelin, in the course of most games | Build 50 throwers of the javelin, in the course of most games |
Expert creatures Defeat 200 creatures on any map and on any difficulty | Defeat 200 creatures on any map and on any difficulty |
Weapons of steel (Level 1) Build 20 warriors in the course of most games | Build 20 warriors in the course of most games |
Pest control extreme (Level 1) Destroy 500 enemies pests (spiders, scorpions, snakes) in the course of most games | Destroy 500 enemies pests (spiders, scorpions, snakes) in the course of most games |
The fame of the arts and crafts (Level 1) Build 5 guilds of the crafts in the course of most games | Build 5 guilds of the crafts in the course of most games |
Waves rich! (Level 2) Complete 50 waves, accumulated in the course of most games, at any difficulty level | Complete 50 waves, accumulated in the course of most games, at any difficulty level |
Good neighbourhood (Level 2) Build 500 sections of walls (simple or battleships, the improvements do not count) in the course of most games | Build 500 sections of walls (simple or battleships, the improvements do not count) in the course of most games |
Sfondacrani Port 50 launchers javelin at the expert level | Port 50 launchers javelin at the expert level |
CROM! Defeat 1000 enemies with Conan in the course of most games | Defeat 1000 enemies with Conan in the course of most games |
Body urban (Level 2) Build 200 houses (hovels, houses or villas, the improvements do not count) in the course of most games | Build 200 houses (hovels, houses or villas, the improvements do not count) in the course of most games |
Pest control extreme (Level 2) Destroy 1000 enemies pests (spiders, scorpions, snakes) in the course of most games | Destroy 1000 enemies pests (spiders, scorpions, snakes) in the course of most games |
Precise aim (Level 1) Build 20 archers in the course of most games | Build 20 archers in the course of most games |
Weapons of steel, (Level 2) Build 50 warriors in the course of most games | Build 50 warriors in the course of most games |
Death pointed (Level 3) Build 200 throwers of the javelin, in the course of most games | Build 200 throwers of the javelin, in the course of most games |
Come to me! (Level 1) Build 20 towers (ballista, mangano, explosion, solar, fire ^ ' monster) in the course of most games | Build 20 towers (ballista, mangano, explosion, solar, fire ^ ' monster) in the course of most games |
Good neighbourhood (Level 3) Build 1000 sections of walls (simple or battleships, the improvements do not count) in the course of most games | Build 1000 sections of walls (simple or battleships, the improvements do not count) in the course of most games |
Stone cold (Level 1) Build 5 guilds and engineering in the course of most games | Build 5 guilds and engineering in the course of most games |
Claim this land (Level 2) Build 200 banners of war in the course of most games | Build 200 banners of war in the course of most games |
AND... IT REMAINS DEAD!!! (Level 1) Destroy 500 necromancers or undead enemies in the course of most games | Destroy 500 necromancers or undead enemies in the course of most games |
Fun Defeat 25 waves on any difficulty | Defeat 25 waves on any difficulty |
Precise aim (Level 2) Build 50 archers in the course of most games | Build 50 archers in the course of most games |
A caval donato... (Level 1) Build 20 cavalry read in the course of most games | Build 20 cavalry read in the course of most games |
Twin blades of death Defeat 1000 enemies with Valeria in the course of most games | Defeat 1000 enemies with Valeria in the course of most games |
So, Crom! Defeat 15 waves or more on any difficulty without using pause active | Defeat 15 waves or more on any difficulty without using pause active |
Body urban (Level 3) Build 500 houses (hovels, houses or villas, the improvements do not count) in the course of most games | Build 500 houses (hovels, houses or villas, the improvements do not count) in the course of most games |
Now, it's mine! Collect and use 6 unique artifacts | Collect and use 6 unique artifacts |
Good neighbourhood (Level 4) Build 2000 sections of walls (simple or battleships, the improvements do not count) in the course of most games | Build 2000 sections of walls (simple or battleships, the improvements do not count) in the course of most games |
Victory tip! (Level 1) Build 20 pikemen in the course of most games | Build 20 pikemen in the course of most games |
Waves rich! (Level 3) Complete 200 waves, accumulated in the course of most games, at any difficulty level | Complete 200 waves, accumulated in the course of most games, at any difficulty level |
Care, please! Defeat 1000 enemies with Kalanthes in the course of most games | Defeat 1000 enemies with Kalanthes in the course of most games |
Souls consumed (Level 1) Build 20 warlocks in the course of most games | Build 20 warlocks in the course of most games |
Come to me! (Level 2) Build 80 towers (ballista, mangano, explosion, solar, fire ^ ' monster) in the course of most games | Build 80 towers (ballista, mangano, explosion, solar, fire ^ ' monster) in the course of most games |
Pest control extreme (Level 3) Destroy 2500 enemies of pests (spiders, scorpions, snakes) in the course of most games | Destroy 2500 enemies of pests (spiders, scorpions, snakes) in the course of most games |
Straight to the point (Level 1) Build 20 archers, armored in the course of most games | Build 20 archers, armored in the course of most games |
AND... IT REMAINS DEAD!!! (Level 2) Destroy 1000 necromancers or undead enemies in the course of most games | Destroy 1000 necromancers or undead enemies in the course of most games |
Evil soul (Level 1) Build 5 guilds of the study in the course of most games | Build 5 guilds of the study in the course of most games |
The fame of the craft (Level 2) Build 20 guilds of the crafts in the course of most games | Build 20 guilds of the crafts in the course of most games |
Stop moving! (Level 1) Destroy 500 enemies the nomads (spearmen, giavellottieri or bandits) in the course of most games | Destroy 500 enemies the nomads (spearmen, giavellottieri or bandits) in the course of most games |
You RIDE that thing? (Level 1) Build 20 cavalry armor in the course of most games | Build 20 cavalry armor in the course of most games |
A caval donato... (Level 2) Build 50 cavalries to read in the course of most games | Build 50 cavalries to read in the course of most games |
Still use that? (Level 1) Build 10 adunatori of souls in the course of most games | Build 10 adunatori of souls in the course of most games |
Claim this land (Level 3) Build 500 banners of war in the course of most games | Build 500 banners of war in the course of most games |
Skills-METAL (Level 1) Build 5 guilds in the war in the course of most games | Build 5 guilds in the war in the course of most games |
Souls consumed (Level 2) Build 50 warlocks in the course of most games | Build 50 warlocks in the course of most games |
Body urban (Level 4) Build 1000 houses (hovels, houses or villas, the improvements do not count) in the course of most games | Build 1000 houses (hovels, houses or villas, the improvements do not count) in the course of most games |
Aiming at the weak point Port 50 archers to expert level | Port 50 archers to expert level |
Souls obtained (Level 1) Build 20 priestesses in the course of most games | Build 20 priestesses in the course of most games |
Straight to the point (Level 2) Build 50 archers, armored in the course of most games | Build 50 archers, armored in the course of most games |
Victory tip! (Level 2) Build 50 pikemen in the course of most games | Build 50 pikemen in the course of most games |
Weapons of steel (Level 3) Build 200 warriors in the course of most games | Build 200 warriors in the course of most games |
Live by the sword Leads 50 warriors at the expert level | Leads 50 warriors at the expert level |
Precise aim (Level 3) Build 200 archers in the course of most games | Build 200 archers in the course of most games |
You RIDE that thing? (Level 2) Build 50 cavalry armored in the course of most games | Build 50 cavalry armored in the course of most games |
Come to me! (Level 3) Build 300 towers (ballista, mangano, explosion, solar, fire ^ ' monster) in the course of most games | Build 300 towers (ballista, mangano, explosion, solar, fire ^ ' monster) in the course of most games |
Death pointed (Level 4) Build 1000 throwers of the javelin, in the course of most games | Build 1000 throwers of the javelin, in the course of most games |
Souls obtained (Level 2) Build 50 of the priestesses in the course of most games | Build 50 of the priestesses in the course of most games |
Pest control extreme (Level 4) Destroy 5000 enemies of pests (spiders, scorpions, snakes) in the course of most games | Destroy 5000 enemies of pests (spiders, scorpions, snakes) in the course of most games |
Stone cold (Level 2) Build 20 guilds of the engineering in the course of most games | Build 20 guilds of the engineering in the course of most games |
Claim this land (Level 4) Build 1000 banners of war in the course of most games | Build 1000 banners of war in the course of most games |
Stop moving! (Level 2) Destroy 1000 enemies the nomads (spearmen, giavellottieri or bandits) in the course of most games | Destroy 1000 enemies the nomads (spearmen, giavellottieri or bandits) in the course of most games |
Souls consumed (Level 3) Build 200 wizards in the course of most games | Build 200 wizards in the course of most games |
AND... IT REMAINS DEAD!!! (Level 3) Destroy 2500 necromancers or undead enemies in the course of most games | Destroy 2500 necromancers or undead enemies in the course of most games |
Demonization (Level 1) Destroy 500 enemies as demons (of the flame or winged) in the course of most games | Destroy 500 enemies as demons (of the flame or winged) in the course of most games |
Three in one shot Port 50 archers, armoured to the expert level | Port 50 archers, armoured to the expert level |
Always a step ahead Port 50 cavalry read to the expert level | Port 50 cavalry read to the expert level |
The way of mana Port 50 warlocks to the expert level | Port 50 warlocks to the expert level |
Straight to the point (Level 3) Build 200 archers, armored in the course of most games | Build 200 archers, armored in the course of most games |
A caval donato... (Level 3) Build 200 cavalry read in the course of most games | Build 200 cavalry read in the course of most games |
Evil soul (Level 2) Build 20 guilds of the study in the course of most games | Build 20 guilds of the study in the course of most games |
Souls consumed (Level 4) Build 1000 wizards over the course of more games | Build 1000 wizards over the course of more games |
Skills-METAL (Level 2) Build 20 guilds in the war in the course of most games | Build 20 guilds in the war in the course of most games |
The fame of the craft (Level 3) Build 80 guilds of the crafts in the course of most games | Build 80 guilds of the crafts in the course of most games |
The light of my eyes The door 50 of the priestesses at the expert level | The door 50 of the priestesses at the expert level |
AND... IT REMAINS DEAD!!! (Level 4) Destroy 5000 necromancers or undead enemies in the course of most games | Destroy 5000 necromancers or undead enemies in the course of most games |
You RIDE that thing? (Level 3) Build 200 cavalry armored in the course of most games | Build 200 cavalry armored in the course of most games |
Come to me! (Level 4) Build 1000 towers (ballista, mangano, explosion, solar, fire ^ ' monster) in the course of most games | Build 1000 towers (ballista, mangano, explosion, solar, fire ^ ' monster) in the course of most games |
Souls gained (Level 3) Build 200 of the priestesses in the course of most games | Build 200 of the priestesses in the course of most games |
It is long enough Port 50 pikemen at the expert level | Port 50 pikemen at the expert level |
Victory tip! (Level 3) Build 200 pikes in the course of most games | Build 200 pikes in the course of most games |
Demonization (Level 2) Destroy 1000 enemies, demons (of the flame or winged) in the course of most games | Destroy 1000 enemies, demons (of the flame or winged) in the course of most games |
Stop moving! (Level 3) Destroy 2500 enemies the nomads (spearmen, giavellottieri or bandits) in the course of most games | Destroy 2500 enemies the nomads (spearmen, giavellottieri or bandits) in the course of most games |
Weapons of steel (Level 4) Build 1000 warriors in the course of most games | Build 1000 warriors in the course of most games |
Under the hooves Port 50 cavalry armoured to the expert level | Port 50 cavalry armoured to the expert level |
Still use that? (Level 2) Build 200 adunatori of souls in the course of most games | Build 200 adunatori of souls in the course of most games |
The fame of the craft (Level 4) Build 150 guilds of the crafts in the course of most games | Build 150 guilds of the crafts in the course of most games |
Stone cold (Level 3) Build 80 the guild of engineering in the course of most games | Build 80 the guild of engineering in the course of most games |
Waves rich! (Level 4) Complete 1000 waves, accumulated in the course of most games, at any difficulty level | Complete 1000 waves, accumulated in the course of most games, at any difficulty level |
Stop moving! (Level 4) Destroy 5000 enemies, the nomads (spearmen, giavellottieri or bandits) in the course of most games | Destroy 5000 enemies, the nomads (spearmen, giavellottieri or bandits) in the course of most games |
Demonization (Level 4) Destroy 5000 enemies as demons (of the flame or winged) in the course of most games | Destroy 5000 enemies as demons (of the flame or winged) in the course of most games |
Demonization (Level 3) Destroy 2500 enemies as demons (of the flame or winged) in the course of most games | Destroy 2500 enemies as demons (of the flame or winged) in the course of most games |
Stone cold (Level 4) Build 150 guilds of the engineering in the course of most games | Build 150 guilds of the engineering in the course of most games |
Sword in hand Defeat 50 guardians with Conan | Defeat 50 guardians with Conan |
Ibis is on my side Defeat 50 guardians with Kalanthes | Defeat 50 guardians with Kalanthes |
Friends pirates Defeat 50 guardians with Valeria | Defeat 50 guardians with Valeria |
A caval donato... (Level 4) Build 1000 cavalry read in the course of most games | Build 1000 cavalry read in the course of most games |
You RIDE that thing? (Level 4) Build 1000 cavalry armored in the course of most games | Build 1000 cavalry armored in the course of most games |
Precise aim (Level 4) Build 1000 archers in the course of most games | Build 1000 archers in the course of most games |
Skills-METAL (Level 3) Build 80 guilds in the war in the course of most games | Build 80 guilds in the war in the course of most games |
Evil soul (Level 3) Build 80 guilds of the study in the course of most games | Build 80 guilds of the study in the course of most games |
Evil soul (Level 4) Build 150 guilds of the study in the course of most games | Build 150 guilds of the study in the course of most games |
Still use that? (Level 4) Build 1000 adunatori of souls in the course of most games | Build 1000 adunatori of souls in the course of most games |
Still use that? (Level 3) Build 500 adunatori of souls in the course of most games | Build 500 adunatori of souls in the course of most games |
Souls gained (Level 4) Build 1000 priestesses in the course of most games | Build 1000 priestesses in the course of most games |
Straight to the point (Level 4) Build 1000 archers, armored in the course of most games | Build 1000 archers, armored in the course of most games |
Victory tip! (Level 4) Build 1000 pikemen in the course of most games | Build 1000 pikemen in the course of most games |
Skills-METAL (Level 4) Build 150 guilds in the war in the course of most games | Build 150 guilds in the war in the course of most games |