We are glad to present you the page of Apocanow dedicated to cheats and secrets for Seven Doors! You will find all the unlockables and strategies to get ahead in the game, overcome difficult parts and discover new parts of the game.
They might not be all! If you have found something new please contact us and we will be happy to add your contents to the existing one.
Risolvere enigmi e linguaggi segreti, superare situazioni pericolose e partecipare a una gigantesca partita a scacchi. Atmosfera, mistero ed enigmi vi aspettano per sorprendervi e mettere alla prova le vostre capacità... Ce la farai ad arrivare al settimo cancello?
Our cheats can be used with the following consoles: PC. This list is constantly updated from PC or since the game came out.
Discover cheats and cheat codes for Seven Doors (PC): Useful Tips.
After this introduction on the game, here are the cheats we have promised you.