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Wait! Life is beautiful!: Cheats and cheat codes

Page dedicated to Wait! Life is beautiful! cheats, codes and secrets for PC.

Welcome to the page regarding the cheats of Wait! Life is beautiful!. We show you all the things we found. Our site is completely dedicated to cheats and walkthroughs of videogames.

Introduction and plot

W!LiB! is an interactive psychological thriller about suicide, based on personal experience. This is a story about a void in the soul, about search and loss of the life purpose in trying to save oneself and others. This is a life that can be lived your own way. For any life is beautiful... isn’t it?

This game was released on 27/08/2020 and the cheats we own are valid for PC. This list will be updated over time whenever we notice the existence of new consoles on which Wait! Life is beautiful! has been published.

Available at the end of the article is also the list of Achievements of this game with an indication on how to unlock them.

After this introduction on the game, here are the cheats we have promised you.

Currently there are no cheats valid for Wait! Life is beautiful! on this site. Well, as soon as we find them we will publish them immediately on the site. Are you in possession of cheats for the game? Send us by contacting us or commenting on this page.
Cheats Wait! Life is beautiful!:

Steam Achievements

Accomplish the following tasks to obtain the corresponding Steam Achievement:
TitleSteam Achievements: Wait! Life is beautiful!
Take This Job and Shove It!
Screw work
Screw work
It was Their Time
Lose five people
Lose five people
Not a Good Day to Die
Save five people
Save five people
Beat Electronica
Beat Electronica
Hey Mom...
'Talk' to your mom on the phone
'Talk' to your mom on the phone
A Baker's Dozen
Lose 13 people
Lose 13 people
Will's Twelve
Save 12 people
Save 12 people
Save a girl from being dragged down to hell by her father
Save a girl from being dragged down to hell by her father
Lose 20 people
Lose 20 people
I Like the Cut of His Jib
A Friend in Need
Listen to all of Rae's stories
Listen to all of Rae's stories
There goes the bridge...
There goes the bridge...
Savior on the Bridge
Save 20 people
Save 20 people
Great Minds Think Alike
Listen to all of Ethan's stories
Listen to all of Ethan's stories
They Made Their Choice
Lose 35 people
Lose 35 people
Save 35 people
Save 35 people
Cherri Andrea640360