Every moment of my life ... is an agony Revive your fallen explorer | Revive your fallen explorer |
Imperial Age Switch to the Imperial Age with any civilization | Switch to the Imperial Age with any civilization |
Conquerors born Win your first multiplayer game | Win your first multiplayer game |
A beautiful city Customize any home city | Customize any home city |
We have a winner! Win your first multiplayer reward | Win your first multiplayer reward |
Alliance Win a sch mage or multiplayer having formed alliances with all native villages on the map | Win a sch mage or multiplayer having formed alliances with all native villages on the map |
The pack from below Receive at least 100 total shipments from your home city in any mode | Receive at least 100 total shipments from your home city in any mode |
Trade genius Win a skirmish or multiplayer game having occupied all trading bases on the map | Win a skirmish or multiplayer game having occupied all trading bases on the map |
The Earth is flat ! Explore a whole map in a skirmish or multiplayer game | Explore a whole map in a skirmish or multiplayer game |
Pirate life suits me Destroy at least 100 ships in any mode | Destroy at least 100 ships in any mode |
The Tommynator Use 'tuck tuck tuck' cheat | Use 'tuck tuck tuck' cheat |
Congreve rockets Deploy 2 rockets from your expeditions playing with the British | Deploy 2 rockets from your expeditions playing with the British |
No wings needed to fly Set up an advanced balloon [P ] [100178D] Deploy 2 rockets from your expeditions while playing as the British | Set up an advanced balloon [P ] [100178D] Deploy 2 rockets from your expeditions while playing as the British |
Let's sail! Set up 3 galleys from your expeditions playing with the Ottomans | Set up 3 galleys from your expeditions playing with the Ottomans |
Budget cut Win a skirmish game without requiring any expeditions | Win a skirmish game without requiring any expeditions |
Animal Hunter Hunt all animal species | Hunt all animal species |
Community Win a skirmish or multiplayer game with 25 villagers working in the community square | Win a skirmish or multiplayer game with 25 villagers working in the community square |
Content Creator Create your first scenario in the Scenario Editor | Create your first scenario in the Scenario Editor |
The cavalry is coming! Win a sc game hermaglia using only cavalry and artillery units | Win a sc game hermaglia using only cavalry and artillery units |
Their place is in a museum! Collect at least 100 treasure items from the maps in Any Mode | Collect at least 100 treasure items from the maps in Any Mode |
Blood, ice and steel Complete the Blood, Ice and Steel campaign | Complete the Blood, Ice and Steel campaign |
Strike! Kill at least 10 enemy troops with a rolling cannonball | Kill at least 10 enemy troops with a rolling cannonball |
Ribadocchini Deploy 5 organs from your expeditions playing with the Portuguese | Deploy 5 organs from your expeditions playing with the Portuguese |
Fire and shadow Complete the Fire and Shadow campaign | Complete the Fire and Shadow campaign |
Knights! Deploy 17 ruyters from your expeditions playing with the Dutch | Deploy 17 ruyters from your expeditions playing with the Dutch |
Old fashioned Win a Difficulty game Very hard without upgrading your city center | Win a Difficulty game Very hard without upgrading your city center |
Strong man Arrange 6 cuirassiers from your expeditions while playing as the French | Arrange 6 cuirassiers from your expeditions while playing as the French |
Help from the cathedral Build an advanced mill, market, arsenal, port, trading base and property in a single game | Build an advanced mill, market, arsenal, port, trading base and property in a single game |
The elephant in a crystal shop Build 100 elephant units in a single game | Build 100 elephant units in a single game |
Ferocious Knights of the Tartars Deploy 9 horse archers from your expeditions playing with the Russians | Deploy 9 horse archers from your expeditions playing with the Russians |
Spades! Deploy 24 pikemen from your expeditions playing with the Spaniards | Deploy 24 pikemen from your expeditions playing with the Spaniards |
War chariots Deploy 4 war chariots + 4 uhlans from your expeditions while playing as the Germans | Deploy 4 war chariots + 4 uhlans from your expeditions while playing as the Germans |
Social domain Win 25 multiplayer games | Win 25 multiplayer games |
Wonders Build all 15 wonders | Build all 15 wonders |
Whatever the price ... I'll beat it! Win a skirmish game using mercenaries only | Win a skirmish game using mercenaries only |
The Asian dynasties Complete the Asian Dynasties campaign | Complete the Asian Dynasties campaign |
A beautiful figure! Unlock all cosmetic items of any civilization | Unlock all cosmetic items of any civilization |
Faith Convert 100 neutral or enemy units | Convert 100 neutral or enemy units |
A true hero Rescue 100 people who need help | Rescue 100 people who need help |
We need more wood! Make all constructions | Make all constructions |
Friend of animals Control all pets | Control all pets |
No discounts Win all skirmish games with all civilizations on Very Hard difficulty | Win all skirmish games with all civilizations on Very Hard difficulty |