Welcome to the article on this site associated with the cheats and unlockables of Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders. All the secrets we know about this game are written on this page.
Do you know others? We would be very happy to receive them, so we can publish them on the site by updating this article.
The action-strategy fantasy and heavy metal cult gem arrives on PC in HD.Lead your armies from the front line, giving strategic orders to your forces as you force your way into battle.
The cheats in our possession are valid for PC and they should be all the valid ones since the game came out, that is 28/01/2020. We update the list of consoles every time.
Discover cheats and cheat codes for Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders (PC): Invincible Army and Game Speed.
You can also download a Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders promo trainer offered by third parties. If you run the game, this trainer will activate for you many cheats that you could not otherwise obtain.
Finished all the premises, we show you the cheats we have recovered.