We are pleased to present you this article dedicated to the cheats and codes of Touken Ranbu Warriors. Here you will find all the resources that our staff found on Touken Ranbu Warriors. You can also find trainers and achievements.
If you know other cheats, suggest them by contacting us and we will be happy to publish them here on this article.
Touken Ranbu Warriors is the first-ever console game in the Touken Ranbu series. The experience promises to combine the Touken training of the Touken Ranbu -ONLINE- simulation game with the breathtaking action of Koei Temco’s popular Warriors musou series, delivering must-play 1 vs. 1,000 combat. Touken Ranbu Warriors features 15 characters from Touken Ranbu -ONLINE-, where famous swords take the form of warriors named Touken Danshi (swordsmen), and the elite fighters are sworn to protect history. In Touken Ranbu Warriors, members of Touken Danshi have been drifting through time without their master—the Saniwa—to lead them, when they are suddenly attacked by the fearsome History Retrograde Army (HRA). After the initial conflict, the Touken Danshi are approached by the Government of the Time, and sent on a mission into the war-torn Sengoku Era where the revision of Japanese history is already underway. Can the Touken Danshi heroes restore order while restoring the original timeline? The fierce but beautiful battles of the Touken Danshi are finally a reality!
Touken Ranbu Warriors has been published on 23/0mag/2022 for PC / SWITCH. We take care to update the list of consoles for which the game was published over time if the cheats are they also applied to new arrivals.
Discover cheats and cheat codes for Touken Ranbu Warriors (PC / SWITCH): Endless health and super damage.
We also have the walkthrough of Touken Ranbu Warriors! In our Touken Ranbu Warriors walkthrough page you will find a video guide that will show you all the steps to complete the game.
There is a promo Trainer available for Touken Ranbu Warriors, too. If you download and run it while playing your game, it will unlocks new features, usually additional cheats not obtainable in any other way.
Available at the end of the article is also the list of Achievements of this game with an indication on how to unlock them.
Let's move on to show you the cheats after the introduction we just wrote.