The Last Hero of Nostalgaia is a satirical action-adventure, brought to life by a twisted and wicked tale. Featuring hard but fair combat, *full character customization, unique battle armor and engaging narrative mechanics rich in lore, Nostalgaia plunges you into almost certain death at every turn.
This game was released on 19/09/2022 and the cheats we own are valid for PC / XSX / XBOX ONE. This list will be updated over time whenever we notice the existence of new consoles on which The Last Hero of Nostalgaia has been published.
It's also available a trainer for The Last Hero of Nostalgaia. A trainer is a program that adds cheats to the game. On the bottom of the page there's a list of cheats that you can unlock with this program.
We have also collected for you the list of achievements with alongside a small explanation translated on how to get them.