Cheats and codes for: High on Life (PC / XSX / XBOX ONE)

High on Lifecheats and codes for PC / XSX / XBOX ONE, including God mode and unlimited shield.


High on Life: Plot of the game

We are pleased to show you all the things we have collected for High on Life!

They might not be all! If you have found something new please contact us and we will be happy to add your contents to the existing one.

Partner with talking guns, collect intergalactic bounties, take down an alien cartel, and save Earth in the latest game from the mind of Justin Roiland. Fresh out of high school with no job and no ambition, you’ve really got nothing going for you until an alien cartel that wants to get high off humanity invades Earth. Now, you and a team of charismatic talking guns must answer the hero’s call and become the deadliest intergalactic bounty hunter the cosmos has ever seen. Travel to a variety of biomes and locations across the cosmos, go up against the nefarious Garmantuous and his gang of goons, collect loot, meet unique characters, and more, in the latest comedy adventure from Justin Roiland!

Our cheats can be used with the following consoles: PC / XSX / XBOX ONE. This list is constantly updated from PC / XSX / XBOX ONE or since the game came out.

Discover 3 cheats and cheat codes for High on Life (PC / XSX / XBOX ONE): God mode and unlimited shield.

For High on Life we also have the walkthrough of the game. You will find a collection of videos taken from YouTube, that put together will allow you to get to the end of the game. Check our High on Life walkthrough page.

You want lots of effective cheats? Then you have to try the trainer of High on Life available on this site. Download it and run it while playing: it will allow you to unlock new cheats otherwise not unlockable.

We have also collected for you the list of achievements with alongside a small explanation translated on how to get them.

Finished all the premises, we show you the cheats we have recovered.

Cheats: Infinite ammo and money cheat

Cheats High on Life: Infinite ammo and money cheat

A cheat to get money and unlimited ammo in the game
Click to open the Video

Cheats: Infinite money trick

This video shows a trick to get infinite money in day 1
Click to open the Video

Cheats: Steam Achievements

Cheats High on Life: Infinite money trick
Accomplish the following tasks to obtain the corresponding Steam Achievement:
TitleSteam Achievements: High on Life
? Whoever wounds by gun, perishes by knife.
? Whoever wounds by gun, perishes by knife.
? Get Tello.
? Get Tello.
? First bounty redeemed
? First bounty redeemed
? Defeat 9-Torg.
? Defeat 9-Torg.
? We are all very impressed, believe me
? We are all very impressed, believe me
? Keep an enemy in the air by shooting at least 5 shots at them.
? Keep an enemy in the air by shooting at least 5 shots at them.
? You are not allowed to do this in Fallout
? You are not allowed to do this in Fallout
? Kill Slumsley.
? Kill Slumsley.
? Don't stab the plate you eat from
? Don't stab the plate you eat from
? Follow Tello's advice and stab Gene.
? Follow Tello's advice and stab Gene.
? Ruthless puncher
? Ruthless puncher
? Defeat Krubis.
? Defeat Krubis.
? Client Gus-satisfied
? Client Gus-satisfied
? Get Gus.
? Get Gus.
? Ceremony G3
? Ceremony G3
? Defeat Douglas.
? Defeat Douglas.
? A Sweezy Game
? A Sweezy Game
? Get Sweezy.
? Get Sweezy.
? At a guess
? At a guess
? Pop 20 soldier eyeballs.
? Pop 20 soldier eyeballs.
? Are you properly armed?
? Are you properly armed?
? Get the jetpack.
? Get the jetpack.
? Creature Features
? Creature Features
? Get Creature.
? Get Creature.
? Who is the boss?
? Who is the boss?
? Defeat the Skrendel brothers.
? Defeat the Skrendel brothers.
? RIP Davey Glutes
? RIP Davey Glutes
? Get the Magne-boots.
? Get the Magne-boots.
? The hardest battle in the game
? The hardest battle in the game
? Defeat Doctor Giblets.
? Defeat Doctor Giblets.
? Self Realization
? Self Realization
? Defeat Tettolon.
? Defeat Tettolon.
? You spent 15 hours in the alien strip club
? You spent 15 hours in the alien strip club
? Spend 15 hours in the highly realistic alien strip club.
? Spend 15 hours in the highly realistic alien strip club.
? Let's do it!
? Let's do it!
? Get it done.
? Get it done.
? Series finale on Tut-O
? Series finale on Tut-O
? Say goodbye to Tut-O.
? Say goodbye to Tut-O.
? Legendary Bounty Hunter
? Legendary Bounty Hunter
? Defeat Garmantuous and dismantle the G3.
? Defeat Garmantuous and dismantle the G3.
? Carried Stan's cargo to the end
? Carried Stan's cargo to the end
? Eatin' Good in the Neighborhood
? Eatin' Good in the Neighborhood
? Pay the bill at Applebee's.
? Pay the bill at Applebee's.
? We paid the royalties to put a movie here d
? We paid the royalties to put a movie here d
? Discover cinema.
? Discover cinema.
? With a gun at his throat
? With a gun at his throat
? Use Sweezy to dominate the Moplets of'office.
? Use Sweezy to dominate the Moplets of'office.
? Suspended ending
? Suspended ending
? Special treatment
? Special treatment
? Make yourself wanted
? Make yourself wanted
? Collect every trading card in the game.
? Collect every trading card in the game.
? Legendary Epic Prize
? Legendary Epic Prize
? Enjoy all the boring countdown program on TV.
? Enjoy all the boring countdown program on TV.
? A star is born (sea)
? A star is born (sea)
? See Globo's run-up to success.
? See Globo's run-up to success.
? 360 degree view
? 360 degree view
? Unlock and explore every collectible teleporter base.
? Unlock and explore every collectible teleporter base.
? Luglox Genocide
? Luglox Genocide
? Find and open every Luglox chest.
? Find and open every Luglox chest.
? Mods, please ban
? Mods, please ban
? Unlocks every post in the Hunter Forums.
? Unlocks every post in the Hunter Forums.

Trainers and cheat codes for this game

Trainers for High on Life are small, downloadable programs that add functionalities to the game, mainly with the aim of cheating. These functionalities are not available in other ways. Click on the preferred trainer to download it:
Download Page High on Life (1.11.4146.0 GP / ORIG STEAM V4 / +0)
  • God Mode
    Unlimited Health
    Unlimited Shield
    No Reload
    Increase Player Speed
    Decrease Player Speed
    Set Normal Player Speed
    Increase Jump Height
    Decrease Jump Height
    Set Normal Jump Height
    Decrease Gravity
    Increase Gravity
    Set Normal Gravity
    1 Hit Kill
    Decrease Enemy Speed
    Increase Enemy Speed
    Freeze Enemies
    Set Normal Enemy Speed
    Save Position Slot 1
    Save Position Slot 2
    Save Position Slot 3
    Save Position Slot 4
    Save Position Slot 5
    Restore Position Slot 1
    Restore Position Slot 2
    Restore Position Slot 3
    Restore Position Slot 4
    Restore Position Slot 5
    Game Speed
    x10 Resource Pick-ups
Cherri Andrea640360