Welcome to the page regarding the cheats of Fabledom. We show you all the things we found. Our site is completely dedicated to cheats and walkthroughs of videogames.
They might not be all! If you have found something new please contact us and we will be happy to add your contents to the existing one.
Once upon a time there was a village... Fabledom is a relaxing city builder set in a fairytale world.Expand, do business, make alliances with your neighbors or make enemies of them, but most of all find a prince or princess to live happily ever after!
We have cheats valid for PC. The list of consoles is continuously updated from PC, the date on which Fabledom was published.
Discover cheats and cheat codes for Fabledom (PC): Invulnerable and endless weapon durability.
There is a promo Trainer available for Fabledom, too. If you download and run it while playing your game, it will unlocks new features, usually additional cheats not obtainable in any other way.
Let's move on to show you the cheats after the introduction we just wrote.