Welcome! Below we have collected the cheats of CRYMACHINA, but not only. Any achievement, code or trainer will be shown on this page if and when they are available.
They might not be all! If you have found something new please contact us and we will be happy to add your contents to the existing one.
CRYMACHINA is an action RPG where mechanical girls struggle to survive in a post-apocalyptic world to become real humans.But what does it mean to be a True Human?
We have cheats valid for PC. The list of consoles is continuously updated from PC, the date on which CRYMACHINA was published.
Discover cheats and cheat codes for CRYMACHINA (PC): Infinite health and endless ammo.
We can also offer you the Trainer for this game, in our dedicated page. This software will allow you to unlock new cheats not unlockable otherwise.
After this introduction on the game, here are the cheats we have promised you.