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Coridden: Cheats and cheat codes

Endless energy 2 and endless energy 1 and many other Coridden cheats and codes for PC on this page.

Welcome to the article on this site associated with the cheats and unlockables of Coridden. All the secrets we know about this game are written on this page.

Introduction and plot

Transform into the creatures you defeat in this action-packed RPG!Equip and upgrade both your human and beast forms, and switch between them as you please.Embark on a solo or co-op journey to unravel the dark mysteries of a legendary city.

The cheats in our possession are valid for PC and they should be all the valid ones since the game came out, that is 29/01/2025. We update the list of consoles every time.

Available on this site is also the walkthrough for Coridden: a video guide composed of videos taken from YouTube will guide you from the beginning to the end of the game and often also through the secrets and collectibles inside the game. You can find all of this in our official page dedicated to the Coridden walkthrough

We can also offer you the Trainer for this game, in our dedicated page. This software will allow you to unlock new cheats not unlockable otherwise.

For you we have also made available the list of achievements of this game with an explanation on how to unlock them.

After this introduction on the game, here are the cheats we have promised you.

Trainers and cheat codes for this game

Trainers and cheat codes for this game

Trainers for Coridden are small, downloadable programs that add functionalities to the game, mainly with the aim of cheating. These functionalities are not available in other ways. Click on the preferred trainer to download it:
Trainer 17516489 / +4
God Mode
Unlimited Health
Unlimited Energy 1
Unlimited Energy 2
Game Speed

Steam Achievements

Accomplish the following tasks to obtain the corresponding Steam Achievement:
TitleSteam Achievements: Coridden
? Are you not entertained?
? Master Panteliz
? Unlock Panteliz Beast Mastery
? Unlock Panteliz Beast Mastery
? Catch a Ride
? Ride a mount (friend or conjure)
? Ride a mount (friend or conjure)
? Grab and slam an enemy
? Grab and slam an enemy
? Master Houndra
? Unlock Houndra Beast Mastery
? Unlock Houndra Beast Mastery
? Ira's Hero
? Destined For Greatness
? Level up one of the four (non custom) classes up to lvl 5
? Level up one of the four (non custom) classes up to lvl 5
? Master Roker
? Unlock Roker Beast Mastery
? Unlock Roker Beast Mastery
? Reunion at The Burrow
? Novice
? Reach human level 10
? Reach human level 10
? Mission Possible
? Complete a Guard Mission
? Complete a Guard Mission
? Explorer
? Find 5 perasins
? Find 5 perasins
? Digging Up the Past
? The Animal
? Reach level 10 in one beast mastery
? Reach level 10 in one beast mastery
? Fresh Start
? Reset Skills Tree 1 time
? Reset Skills Tree 1 time
? Master Scaptor
? Unlock Scaptor Beast Mastery
? Unlock Scaptor Beast Mastery
? Crushed Bones
? Ram an enemy
? Ram an enemy
? Aasha Awaits
? Master Ramox
? Unlock Ramox Beast Mastery
? Unlock Ramox Beast Mastery
? Architect
? Level up Custom Class up to lvl 5
? Level up Custom Class up to lvl 5
? Treasure Hunter
? Find 10 perasins
? Find 10 perasins
? Tinkerer
? Forge an item
? Forge an item
? Master Crocolisk
? Unlock Crocolisk Beast Mastery
? Unlock Crocolisk Beast Mastery
? Master Dragolem
? Unlock Dragolem Beast Mastery
? Unlock Dragolem Beast Mastery
? Adept
? Reach human level 20
? Reach human level 20
? Scavenger
? Find 15 perasins
? Find 15 perasins
? Warden of the West
? The Beast
? Reach level 20 in one beast mastery
? Reach level 20 in one beast mastery
? Guardian of the East
? Meat Skewer
? Impale an enemy
? Impale an enemy
? Expert
? Reach human level 30
? Reach human level 30
? Ranger of the North
? Into the Unknown
? This Is It
? She'll Outlive Us All
? The Monster
? Reach level 30 in one beast mastery
? Reach level 30 in one beast mastery
? Alterant Archivist
? Collect 10 Alterant Sequences
? Collect 10 Alterant Sequences
? Complete Chronicles
? Find 15 lore logs
? Find 15 lore logs
? The Guardian We Need
? Complete a Guard Mission in Dusted Zone
? Complete a Guard Mission in Dusted Zone
? Skilled Maker
? Forge an Alterant Sequence
? Forge an Alterant Sequence
? Gotta Catch 'Em All
? Find all creature types
? Find all creature types
? Legendary
? Platinum, unlocked all achievements
? Platinum, unlocked all achievements
Cherri Andrea640360