You need a Gigantamax Meowth (not the special version Galarian, the original Meowth) because this trick functions. You can consciously choose to trade one with a Galarian Meowth in the Gym the Grass near the beginning of the game. Meowth has a PayDay, which is a skill decent to earn a few coins extra, but not much. However, its ability Dynamax is really good. Use Meowth in a battle in the gym and Dynamax. Then, using his skills in the Gold Rush three times, in three rounds to drop money. The Trainer of the Gym, the Grass will drop to 3,200. However, you will get 11.400 additional because of the ability Dynamax of Meowth. The only thing you can do is play in the gym. You can also buy Incense Lucky in the market Hulbury, both with a double prize money from the coaches and fighting in the gym.
To breed two Pokemon, put them both in the children's room. You need a male and a female of the same species. For example, an Eevee male and an Eevee female. Check again after about 30 minutes to find probably an egg. Once you have an egg, simply bring it with you and you open up while you walk. The farm has many benefits. It gives you a version of level 1 of a Pokemon. The Pokemon who get a coach are stronger than those that even in nature, making the breeding, the best option to live a single Pokemon to its maximum potential. You can also learn the moves that some Pokemon would lose. For example, capture a Gastly, level 30+ will lose the hypnosis move, but you can breed a Gastly level 1 and learn it that way. There are also many other advantages in breeding. There are other possibilities with the breeding and more advanced, how to use Ditto as a male version or female.
As in every other Pokémon game, with a Sword and Shield begins making choose between a grass type, a water type, and a type of fire. The pokemon, respectively, are Grookey, Sobble and Scorbunny. It really is a personal choice and often emotional for many players.
Are Pokémon all-powerful that we can serve you well in your journey. Overall, water types tend to have minimal weak points of the three, so if you're trying to make a path potentially easier through the game, you may want to go with Sobble. I prefer the fire types as they may be less common to find. In the end, however, the choice is yours.
Below we indicate the locations of all the Pokemon. Look for them in the world is hidden in the grass.
1. Grookey: available at the beginning.
2. Thwackey: available at the beginning.
3. Rillaboom: available at the beginning.
4. Scorbunny: available at the beginning.
5. Raboot: available at the beginning.
6. Cinderace: available at the beginning.
7. Sobble: available at the beginning.
8. Drizzile: available at the beginning.
9. Inteleon: available at the beginning.
10. Blipbug: Route 2, the Cap of the Giant, Weald sleepy. Route 1, Route 2, Weald sleepy.
11. Dottler: Hood of the Giant. Route 5, the wild Nature of the stone, the Mirror of the Giant, the Hood of the Giant.
12. Orbeetle: Weald sleepy. Lake of outrage, Weald sleepy.
13. Caterpie: Route 1.
14. Metapod - Fields, rolling Fields, rolling.
15. Butterfree: the Mirror of the Giant, Fields, rolling, Lake East, Axwell. Weald sleepy.
16. Grubbin: Lake East, Axwell, Weald sleepy. Route 1, Grove Dappled, Weald sleepy.
17. Charjabug: . The bowl of Dusty, rolling Hills of Hammerlocke.
18. Vikavolt: . Route 1, Route 2, Weald sleepy.
19. Hoothoot - Copse, Dappled, Hood of the Giant: Route 1, Route 2, Weald sleepy.
20. Noctowl: Outskirts of Motostoke, the Cap of the Giant. The bank of the River of Motostoke.
21. Rookidee: Route 1, Route 2, River Motostoke, Weald sleepy. Route 2, Route 3, Weald sleepy.
22. Corvisquire: the Mirror of the Giant, the Hills of Hammerlocke. The bank of the River of Motostoke.
23. Corviknight: Weald sleepy. Route 7, Lake of the outrage.
24. Skwovet - Route 1, Route 2, Weald sleepy - Route 1, Fields, rolling, Trees berries.
25. Greedent: Eye of Axew, Route 6, the Trees of berries.
26. Pidove: Fields ridge, Lake East, Axwell. The ruins of the Lighthouse.
27. Tranquill - Mirror-of-Giant - Chair of the Giant.
28. Unfezant: the Hills of Hammerlocke, the Field of Bridge, wild Nature of the stone. Eye of Axew.
29. Nickit: Route 1, Route 2, wild Nature of the stone, Bowl Dusty.
30. Thievul - Route 7 - Field of the Bridge.
31. Zigzagoon: Route 2, Route 3, Field of the Bridge, the wild Nature of the stone.
32. Linoone - Cap of the Giant.
33. Obstagoon: . Lake of outrage.
34. Wooloo: Route 1, the Shore of the River of Motostoke. Route 4.
35. Dubwool: . The bank of the River of Motostoke.
36. Lotad (Shield): West Lake, Axwell. Route 2, Fields, rolling, Grove Dappled.
37. Lombre (Shield) - Grove Dappled: Chair of the Giant, Route 5, Cap of the Giant.
38. Ludicolo (Shield): not identified.
39 - Seedot (Sword): West Lake, Axwell. Route 2, Grove Dappled.
40 - Nuzleaf (Sword): Copse, Dappled, Lake Miloch South. Fields and rolling, the Chair of the Giant.
41. Shiftry (Sword): not identified.
42. Chewtle - wild Nature of the stone, the Hood of the Giant - Motostoke, Lake of outrage, Hulbury.
43. Drednaw - Cap of the Giant: the Field of Bridge, the Mirror of the Giant.
44. Purrloin: Copse, Dappled, West Lake, Axwell, the Bank of the River of Motostoke. Route 2, the Ruins of the Lighthouse.
45. Liepard - Cap of the Giant: the Eye of Axew, Route 9.
46. Yamper - Route 2, River Motostoke, Bowl, Dusty, wild Nature of the stone.
47. Boltund: the Bank of the River of Motostoke, Lake of outrage.
48. Bunnelby - Fields and rolling, Grove Dappled, West Lake, Axwell, Cap of the Giant: Fields ridge, Grove Dappled.
49. Diggersby - Cap of the Giant: the Eye of Axew, Chair of the Giant.
50. Minccino - Cap of the Giant: Fields ridge, Lake East, Axwell.
51. Cinccino: not identified.
52. Bounsweet - wild Nature of the stone: Fields ridge, the Ruins of the Lighthouse.
53. Steenee: Eye of Axew.
54. Tsareena: not identified.
55. Gloom: Copse, Dappled, Lake East, Axwell. Fields, rolling, Lake East, Axwell.
56. Gloom: Cap Giant, the Hills of Hammerlocke. Eye of Axew.
57. Vileplume: not identified.
58. Bellossom: not identified.
59. Budew: West Lake, Axwell. Fields, rolling, Lake East, Axwell.
60. Roselia: . Eye of Axew, Lake Miloch South.
61. Roserade: not identified.
62. Wingull: Fields ridge, Lake Miloch South, Lake East, Axwell. Fields to rolling ridge, West Lake, Axwell.
63. Pelipper - Route 9 - the Eye of Axew, Bowl, Dusty, Lake of outrage.
64. Joltik: Lake Miloch South, the Mirror of the Giant. Fields and rolling, the Chair of the Giant.
65. Galvantula: Route 7, Lake of the outrage.
66. Electrike: Fields ridge, Chair of the Giant. Fields, rolling, Lake East, Axwell.
67. Manetric: the Hills of Hammerlocke. Eye of Axew, Chair of the Giant.
68. Vulpix: Route 1, Lake Miloch South, Route 3. Route 2, Lake East, Axwell.
69. Ninetales: Lake of outrage.
70. Growlithe - Bowl, Dusty Hills of Hammerlocke.
71. Arcanine: not identified.
72. Vanillite: Route 2, West Lake, Axwell. Fields to rolling ridge, West Lake, Axwell.
73. Vanillish: Route 8, Bowl Dusty. Eye of Axew, Route 10.
74. Vanilluxe: Route 10, Lake of outrage.
75. Swinub - Bowl, Dusty Fields and rolling Hills of Hammerlocke.
76. Piloswine: . Bowl Dusty, Lake of outrage.
77. Mamoswine: not identified.
78. Delibird: Route 1, the Ruins of the Lighthouse. Route 2, the Chair of the Giant.
79. Snorunt: Lake East, Axwell, Chair of the Giant. Fields, rolling, Lake Miloch South.
80. Glalie: Route 9, Lake of the outrage.
81. Froslass: not identified.
82. Baltoy: Lake East, Axwell, wild Nature of the stone. Fields, rolling, Lake Miloch South.
83. Claydol - Eye Axew: Lake of outrage.
84. Mudbray: Lake East, Axwell, Lake Miloch South. Fields to rolling ridge, North Lake Miloch.
85. Mudsdale - Eye Axew - Chair of the Giant.
86. Dwebble - West Lake, Axwell, Lake North Miloch, wild Nature of the stone Fields rolling, the Chair of the Giant.
87. Crustle - Eye Axew - Eye of Axew.
88. Golett: Watch Tower Ruins, Route 8, wild Nature of the stone. The ruins of the Lighthouse, the Cap of the Giant.
89. Golurk: Lake of outrage.
90. Munna - Lake Est Axwell, wild Nature of the stone, the Weald sleepy - Fields and rolling, the Hood of the Giant.
91. Musharna: not identified.
92. Natu: Chair of the Giant, the Mirror of the Giant. Fields, rolling, Lake Miloch South.
93. Xatu: the Chair of the Giant.
94. Stufful: Lake East, Axwell, Field of the Bridge. Copse, Dappled, North Lake Miloch.
95. Bewear - Eye Axew - Chair of the Giant.
96. Snover: the Eye of Axew, Route 10. Copse, Dappled, Hood of the Giant.
97. Abomsanow: Lake of outrage. Bowl Dusty, Route 10.
98. Krabby: West Lake, Axwell, Lake Miloch South. West Lake, Axwell.
99. Kingler - Eye Axew - Route 9.
100. Wooper - West Lake, Axwell, wild Nature of the stone, the Hood of the Giant: West Lake, Axwell.
101. Quagsire - Cap Giant - Chair of the Giant.
102. Corphish: Lake Miloch South. Lake Miloch South.
103. Corphish - Eye Axew - Eye of Axew.
104. Nincada: . West Lake, Axwell, Lake Miloch South.
105. Ninjask - Nature wild stone, wild Nature of the stone.
106. Shedinja: not identified.
107. Tyrogue - Fields and rolling, Fields, rolling, Lake Miloch South: West Lake, Axwell, Lake Miloch South.
108. Hitmonlee - Bowl Dusty.
109. Hitmonchan - Bowl Dusty.
110. Hitmontop: Lake of outrage.
111. Pancham - Lake Est Axwell, Fields ridge: West Lake, Axwell.
112. Pangoro: . Lake of outrage.
113. Klink: West Lake, Axwell, Lake Milloch the north and the south. The hills of Hammerlocke.
114. Klang: . Route 10, Bowl Dusty.
115. Klinklang: Lake of outrage.
116. Combee - Fields and rolling.
117. Vespiquen: not identified.
118. Bronzor: Eye of Axew, Chair of the Giant. The chair of the Giant.
119. Bronzong - Eye Axew - Bowl Dusty.
120. Ralts: Fields ridge, Grove Dappled. Copse, Dappled, Lake Miloch South.
121. Kirlia: not identified.
122. Gardevoir: Bowl Dusty, Lake of outrage.
123. Gallade: not identified.
124. Drifloon - the Ruins of the Lighthouse, the Lake Miloch the South: Ruins of the Lighthouse.
125. Drifblim - Eye of Axew.
126. Gossifleur: Route 3, River Motostoke. Route 2.
127. Eldegoss: Bowl Dusty.
128. Glameow: . Fields and rolling, the Ruins of the Lighthouse.
129. Cherrim: not identified.
130. Stunky - North Lake Miloch, Lake Miloch South Copse, Dappled, North Lake Miloch.
131. Skuntank: . Bowl Dusty, Lake of outrage.
132. Tympole: Copse, Dappled, West Lake, Axwell. Copse, Dappled, Lake Miloch South.
133. Palpitoad: the Chair of the Giant, Bowl Dusty. Field of the Bridge.
134. Seismitoiad - Eye Axew - Route 7.
135. Duskull: the Ruins of the Lighthouse, the Chair of the Giant. The ruins of the Lighthouse.
136. Dusclops: Route 8.
137. Dusknoir: not identified.
138. Machop - Lake Miloch South, the wild Nature of the stone: the Ruins of the Lighthouse, the Lake Miloch South.
139. Machoke: Eye of Axew, Hills of Hammerlocke. The chair of the Giant Hills of Hammerlocke.
140. Machamp: not identified.
141. Gastly: the Ruins of the Lighthouse, the Chair of the Giant. The ruins of the Lighthouse, the Lake, the North Miloch.
142. Haunter: . The chair of the Giant, Route 8.
143. Gengar: not identified.
144. Magikarp: Lake Miloch South, West Lake, Axwell. Route 2, Route 5, North Lake Miloch.
145. Gyarados - Route 2: the Bowl of Dusty, the Cap of the Giant.
146. Goldeen - West Lake, Axwell, Lake East Axwell - West Lake, Axwell, Lake East, Axwell.
147. Seaking: not identified.
148. Post-Ending: West Lake, Axwell. West Lake, Axwell, Lake Miloch South.
149. Octillery - Route 9: the Eye of Axew, Route 9.
150. Shellder - West Lake, Axwell, Lake East Axwell: Lake East, Axwell, Chair of the Giant.
151. Cloyster: Chair of the Giant.
152. Feebas: Route 2.
153. Milotic: not identified.
154. Basculin: the Bank of the River of Motostoke. The chair of the Giant, the Bank of the River of Motostoke, Hulbury.
155. Wishiwashi: West Lake, Axwell, Lake East, Axwell, Hulbury.
156. Pyukumuku: Lake Miloch South, Route 9. Lake Miloch South, Chair of the Giant, Route 9.
157. Leaf Thieves - Route 3.
158. Garbodor: Lake of outrage.
159. Sizzlipede: Route 3.
160. Centiskorch: not identified.
161. Rolycoly: Mine Barge, Route 3, Hood of the Giant. Mine Barge.
162. Carkol - Cap of the Giant: the Field of the Bridge, Route 10.
163. Coalossal: . Bowl Dusty, Lake of outrage.
164. Diglett - Fields and rolling: Mine Barge, the Mirror of the Giant.
165. Dugtrio - the Mirror of the giant, and that Giant Bowl of Dusty, rolling Hills of Hammerlocke.
166. Drilbur: the Mine, Barge, Bowl Dusty. Mine Barge, the wild Nature of the stone.
167. Excadrill: Lake of outrage, the Mirror of the Giant.
168. Roggenrola - Fields and rolling, wild Nature of the stone: Mine Barge on the Outskirts of Motostoke.
169. Boldore: Lake of outrage, the Mirror of the Giant. The wild nature of the stone.
170. Turn: not identified.
171. Timburr - Mine Barge - Mine Barge.
172. Gurdurr - Route 8: the wild Nature of the stone.
173. Conkeldurr: not identified.
174. Woobat: the Mirror of the Giant, the Ruins of the Lighthouse. Mine Barge.
175. Swoobat: not identified.
176. Noibat: Mine Barge 2, the Ruins of the Lighthouse. Field of the Bridge, the Mine to the Barge 2.
177. Noivern: the Lake of outrage.
178. Onix: Lake East, Axwell, Chair of the Giant, the Bank of the River of Motostoke.
179. Steelix: not identified.
180. Arrokuda: the Bank of the River of Motostoke. Route 2, the Bank of the River of Motostoke, the City of Hulbury.
181. Barraskewda: Lake of outrage, Route 2. The bank of the River of Motostoke, Bowl Dusty.
182. Meowth - Route 4 - Route 4.
183. Perrserker - Route 7: Route 9, Lake of the outrage.
184. Persian: not identified.
185. Milcery: . Route 4, the Field of the Bridge, the Mirror of the Giant.
186. Alcremie: not identified.
187. Cutiefly: Mine Barge 2, the Field of the Bridge. Route 4.
188. Ribombee: . The wild nature of the stone.
189. Ferroseed - the wild Nature of the stone: the Bank of the River of Motostoke, Route 4.
190. Ferrothorn: Bowl Dusty.
191. Pumpkaboo: Route 4, the Mirror of the Giant, the Hills of Hammerlocke.
192. Gourgeist: not identified.
193. Pichu: not identified.
194. Pikachu - Route 4, wild Nature of the stone: the wild Nature of the stone.
195. Raichu: not identified.
196. Eevee - Route 4.
197. Vaporeon - Lake of outrage.
198. Jolteon: not identified.
199. Flareon: not identified