Welcome to the article on this site associated with the cheats and unlockables of Lost Ruins. All the secrets we know about this game are written on this page.
If you know other cheats, suggest them by contacting us and we will be happy to publish them here on this article.
A young girl wakes up in a dimly lit dungeon without any of her memories. Surrounded by horrible, bloodthirsty monsters, she is rescued by a mysterious magician, Beatrice. With the help of Beatrice, the girl goes on a perilous journey to find answers and unlock the secrets of the Lost Ruins.
We have cheats valid for ALL VERSIONS / PC / PS4 / SWITCH / XBOX ONE. The list of consoles is continuously updated from ALL VERSIONS / PC / PS4 / SWITCH / XBOX ONE, the date on which Lost Ruins was published.
Discover cheats and cheat codes for Lost Ruins (ALL VERSIONS / PC / PS4 / SWITCH / XBOX ONE): Useful Tips.
After this introduction on the game, here are the cheats we have promised you.