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FTL: Faster Than Light - Full Movie

The complete film of FTL: Faster Than Light, created from a mix of game and kinematics, lasting minutes.

Introduction and Plot

This simulation of the space ship allows you to bring your ship and your crew on an adventure through a galaxy is generated in a random manner, full of glory and defeats.

Available on this site are also the cheats of FTL: Faster Than Light: codes and strategies inside the page will allow you to get to the end of the game without any problem overcoming any kind of obstacle. Check now our official page dedicated to FTL: Faster Than Light cheats.

There is a promo Trainer available for FTL: Faster Than Light, too. If you download and run it while playing your game, it will unlocks new features, usually additional cheats not obtainable in any other way.

Open the following video of FTL: Faster Than Light, put it in full screen and enjoy the show! The video lasts minutes.