Marvel's Avengers begins on A-Day, the day Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Black Widow and Thor inaugurate San Francisco's futuristic new Avengers Headquarters. The celebrations turn to tragedy when a mysterious enemy causes a catastrophic accident, causing devastating destruction. Blamed for this tragedy, the Avengers disband. Five years later, with all the superheroes banned and the world in danger again, a new adventure comes to life thanks to Kamala Khan, a young girl determined to reunite and rebuild the Avengers to stop the unchallenged power of a new known secret force. like AIM.
In the following Marvel's Avengers cheats page you will be able to see all the cheats and codes we managed to collect for this game. Thanks to them you will be able to overcome any difficulty, even at the cost of cheating a little.
We have also found a Trainer for this game. This software allows you to add cheats to the game that you could not get in any other way.
Open the following video of Marvel's Avengers, put it in full screen and enjoy the show! The video lasts 88 minutes.