Welcome to the article regarding the trainer of Urbek City Builder. On this page you will also find a guide that will allow you to activate all the cheats connected to this trainer.
Are you aware of anything else regarding this trainer or have any other material? Send it without any problems! We will be happy to update this guide with the material you send us!
Wwe also have cheats for Urbek City Builder! You can find them in the appropriate Urbek City Builder cheats page. Inside there are paragraphs about cheats and unlockables relative to the game. If you are stuck somewhere in the game, or if you just want have more fun out of the rules, no way is better than consulting the cheats we have collected for you.
Urbek is a city building game in which you can build your own neighborhoods: from the nightlife district to the industrial district.Don't run out of your natural resources before you have a population educated to build more efficient structures.
Once all the premises have been completed, we will show you the promo trainer we have recovered and the guide written specifically for us by the authors of the program.
Download Trainer
Activating this trainer
Listen for 'Trainer Activated'.
Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer.
Trainer Options
NumPad1: Game Speed
Editor Options