We are pleased to present you this article dedicated to the trainer of Hush Hush Only Your Love Can Save Them. Here are all the resources that our staff have found.
If you have ideas to make this guide better, contact us now and we will be happy to post your things on this page.
We also have cheats for Hush Hush Only Your Love Can Save Them! In our Hush Hush Only Your Love Can Save Them cheats page you will find codes and unlockable to overcome all obstacles and arrive without any worries at the end of the game.
A visual novel with a twist: improve skills, charm girls, and learn dangerous secrets ... by any means necessary.
Let's move on to show you the trainer after the introduction we just wrote in. Before downloading it, consult the user guide to make sure you aren't going to make mistakes.
Download Trainer
Activating this trainer
Listen for 'Trainer Activated'.
Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer.
Trainer Options
NumPad1: Unlimited Money
# Misc
NumPad2: Game Speed