Introducing the page of Apocanow dedicated to the trainer of The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood! In it we will explain how to install it and use it, in order to activate the cheats and unlock new parts of the game.
If you know other material about the trainer and you can improve this guide, we would be happy to know the details. Contact us! You will help all users who are looking for a good guide made for this topic.
In the following The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood cheats page you will be able to see all the cheats and codes we managed to collect for this game. Thanks to them you will be able to overcome any difficulty, even at the cost of cheating a little.
Immerse yourself in an incredible narrative as Fortuna: a fortune-teller witch condemned to exile on an asteroid.She creates your Tarot, regains your freedom, and shapes the destiny of the cosmic witch society.
Let's move on to show you the trainer after the introduction we just wrote in. Before downloading it, consult the user guide to make sure you aren't going to make mistakes.