We are happy to show you the Fallout 4 trainer and the guide to its use!
We hope that at the end of the reading you will appreciate the work we have done.
We also have cheats for Fallout 4! In our Fallout 4 cheats page you will find codes and unlockable to overcome all obstacles and arrive without any worries at the end of the game.
Fallout 4 is the game revelation of the end of 2015. Set in a Boston postnucleare, you are the sole survivor of the neighbourhood of a nuclear attack, you awaken after 200 years, safe in the Vault of your city, now devastated by the conflict. You'll have to go outside to find your place in the new society, find survivors and rebuild civilization. A game that, according to the forecast, will mark a step forward in the gaming world for environments, mode of fighting and the concepts of the game.
Let's move on to show you the trainer after the introduction we just wrote in. Before downloading it, consult the user guide to make sure you aren't going to make mistakes.
Download Trainer
Actually it is very rare to find games containing cheats because game developers are not interested at keeping them in their games. So the creation of cheats is executed by external programmers that spend their time and skills into the creation of trainers, programs that let you cheat on a particular game. They do it for passion or for money. Whatever the motivation, it's right to reward them for the time spent on their work.
Paid Cheats and Trainers are better in quality, contains more functionalities. They are maintained and supported by their developers.
Respect of the Copyright
The software you are about to download was not created by Apocanow. However, we have permission to publish and publicize by its authors Fallout 4: Trainer - The file you are about to download is virus free, even if sometimes your antivirus can trigger for a false positive.
Using this Trainer
Listen for "Activated".
Press desired option key
Options in Promo
Numpad 2: Fly Mode
Numpad 3: Reset Health
Numpad 4: Super Health
Numpad 5: Super AP
Numpad 6: Super Rads Protection
Numpad 7: Reset Rads
Numpad 8: Super Weight Carry
Numpad 9: Add Bottlecaps
Numpad 0: Add Lockpicks
Numpad /: Add Stimpacks
Numpad *: Instant Level up
F1: Add XP
F2: Super Speed
F3: Super Stealth
F4: Easy Lockpick
F6: Unlimited Throwables
F7: No Reload
F8: Add Fusion Cores
F10: Add SPECIAL Stats
F11: Teleport to Dev Room
Home: Free Crafting
Page Up: 99 Perk Points
Page Down: Unlimited City Building
End: Unlimited Health Survival Mode
option on and off. It will make you invincible, allow unlimited
AP, give you unlimited ammo/no reload (if you have ammo), and
many other features to make the game much easier.
Numpad 2: Fly Mode - press this option key to toggle this powerful
option on and off. This allows you to fly and move through
walls. You can use this to access places or go where the game
might not let you.
Numpad 3: Reset Health - press this key to reset your health.
Numpad 4: Super Health - press this key to give your character massive
Numpad 5: Super AP - press this key to give your character massive
AP. You can attack and run forever.
Numpad 6: Super Rads Protection - press this key to give your character
massive rads limit. Attacks that increase rads will take much longer.
Numpad 7: Reset Rads - press this key to reset your radiation to 0.
Numpad 8: Super Weight Carry - press this key to set your max carry weight
to very high.
Numpad 9: Add Bottlecaps - press this key to give you more bottlecaps.
Numpad 0: Add Lockpicks - press this key to give you more bobby pins.
Numpad /: Add Stimpacks - press this key to give you more stimpacks.
Numpad *: Instant Level up - press this key to instantly add 1 level.
Note that your level displayed in the PIP may remain low, but if
you enter the PERKS screen, you can see that your level is increased.
You will need to add XP normally and level up normally to see the
PIP level return to normal. It's probably best to use the normal
game mechanics to level up or use the Add XP option below to do it.
F1: Add XP - each press adds more XP.
F2: Super Speed - toggle on to get faster speed or normal speed.
F3: Super Stealth -toggle on and most creatures will not be able to attack.
F4: Easy Lockpick - toggle this on and when you find a locked safe, or many
other things that require you to do the bobbypin mini game or possibly
have a key, you can actually unlock it by just using the normal
keypress. You may have to attempt to open twice for it to work. No
more annoying bobbypin mini game!
F6: Unlimited Throwables - toggle on and many items like grenades and mines
can be placed unlimited.
F7: No Reload - toggle on and the current clips is 99 and when you fire your
weapon you will not need to reload. God mode will keep your clip
from dropping as well. You must have at least one ammo in clip.
F8: Add Fusion Cores - press this key to give you more power cores to power your
F10: Add SPECIAL Stats - press key and you will have more of each S.P.E.C.I.A.L
F11: Teleport to Dev Room - press key and you are teleported to the special
development room which has every crafting bench and all the armors you
can wear already pre-made. Jump in a suit! Pressing the option
teleports you back to the Vault entrance.
Home: Free Crafting - toggle this on and then enter any crafting station. You
can then craft anything even if you do not have the materials. No
more trying to gather resources.
Page Up: 99 Perk Points - toggle on this option and when you enter the Perk
Table screen you will see you have 99 perk points to spend.
Page Down: Unlimited City Building - Toggle this on and then enter City Building
mode and you will be able to place as many items as you like. Turn
off when not needed.
End: Unlimited Health Survival Mode - the console has been disabled in Survival
Mode and many other things have changed. This option will at least
help protect you from most attack damage of various kinds. You can
still break your leg and be 'hurt' in other ways.
Temporarily Disable Hotkeys
activated. You can use CTRL-H to re-activate the Hotkeys as well.
Creating Custom Hotkeys
to modify the Hotkey or the value used for that option. The trainer
will save your hotkeys for you. To delete your Custom Hotkeys for
this trainer, press the Debug Tab and then press CTRL-K and the keys
will be deleted.