Welcome to our website. you are into the Dungreed trainer page. Without too many premises let's describe this article!
If you know anything else relevant to the topic do not hesitate to contact us, you will make it more complete and more useful to all visitors.
For Dungreed we also have cheats available. You will find a collection of cheat codes and unlockables that will allow you to overcome any obstacle on the Dungreed cheats page.
Dungreed is an action game in 2D with elements of Roguelike. If an adventurer that explores a maze in constant evolution. Your goal is to prevent the city from being destroyed. Get food and gold, kill enemies, and powerful boss of the labyrinth.
Once all the premises have been completed, we will show you the promo trainer we have recovered and the guide written specifically for us by the authors of the program.
Download Trainer
Actually it is very rare to find games containing cheats because game developers are not interested at keeping them in their games. So the creation of cheats is executed by external programmers that spend their time and skills into the creation of trainers, programs that let you cheat on a particular game. They do it for passion or for money. Whatever the motivation, it's right to reward them for the time spent on their work.
Paid Cheats and Trainers are better in quality, contains more functionalities. They are maintained and supported by their developers.
Respect of the Copyright
The software you are about to download was not created by Apocanow. However, we have permission to publish and publicize by its authors Dungreed: Trainer - 3.5. The file you are about to download is virus free, even if sometimes your antivirus can trigger for a false positive.
Activating this trainer
Listen for 'Trainer Activated'.
Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer.
Trainer Options
Numpad 2: Unlimited Jumps
Numpad 3: Unlimited Dash
Numpad 4: Fly Mode
Numpad 5: Mega Gold
toggle this on and nothing can harm you.
Numpad 2: Unlimited Jumps - once you are in the game and can move around,
toggle this on and then you can jump indefinitely.
Numpad 3: Unlimited Dash - once you are in the game and can move around,
toggle this on and then you can dash indefinitely.
Numpad 4: Fly Mode - once you are in the game and can move around,
toggle this on and then you can move around easily with the
keys you normally use to move, and can easily get around the
Numpad 5: Mega Gold - enter the inventory, note your gold, press this
key, the gold resets to 0, then toggle back off and you have
plenty of gold.
The trainer exe file (or the folder its stored in)
The "Work" folder located here:
C:Users[YOUR NAME]Cheathappens
Mute Hotkeys:
activated. You can use CTRL-H to re-activate the Hotkeys as well.
You can also mute specific hotkeys by changing the hotkey you want
to mute to 'NONE'.
VR Mode
Click on the VR MODE button. Trainer options will now be drawn as buttons.
Activate the trainer as usual with your keyboard. Put your HTC Vive on and
when you are ingame press the MENU button on the hand controllers to open
the steam overlay. At the bottom you can click on the DESKTOP button and you
can easily press options on the trainer with your hand controller now.
- Oculus Rift
As of now the oculus has no unique input device and uses keyboard or xbox
controller. Both are support by the trainer already.