File not Found: ../ not Found: ../󾠊 INSOMNIA: The Ark Trainer •

Trainer for: INSOMNIA: The Ark (1.5)

You will add many Cheats: Set Health , Set Stamina , Set Hunger , Set Thirst and many more.

Index of the Trainer for the Game: INSOMNIA: The Ark

Plot of the Game
Mobile Version
Trainer and Cheat Codes for this Game
Cheats options added
Activating this trainer
Trainer Options
INSOMNIA: The Ark: More cheats
More trainers

Introduction and Plot

With INSOMNIA: The Ark Trainer v1.5 you will gain: set health, set stamina and set hunger but not only. Enter and discover all the unlockable cheats.

This game released on: 27/08/2018. Here you will find everything about INSOMNIA: The Ark, especially the Trainer Activating this trainer, Trainer Options, Notes, and much more.
INSOMNIA is an RPG sci-fi, post-apocalyptic place on a colossal space station that holds the secrets of a civilization now lost. Develop your character, explore the town, interact with the original PNG, manufactured equipment and try to survive.

Index of the Trainer for the Game: INSOMNIA: The Ark

Cheats options added

This trainer adds the following cheats to this game:
Set Health
Set Health
Set Stamina
Set Stamina
Set Hunger
Set Hunger
Set Thirst
Set Thirst
Set Max Backpack Weight
Set Max Backpack Weight
Set Speed
Set Speed
Set Learning
Set Learning
Set Stealth
Set Stealth
Set Level
Set Level
Set XP
Set XP
Set Skill Points
Set Skill Points
Item Multiplier
Item Multiplier
No Reload
No Reload
Weapon Durability
Weapon Durability

Activating this trainer

Press F1 at main menu.
Listen for 'Trainer Activated'.
Press desired
hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer.

Trainer Options

Numpad 1: Set/Reset Health
Numpad 2: Set/Reset Stamina
Numpad 3: Set/Reset Hunger
Numpad 4: Set/Reset Thirst
Numpad 5: Set Max Backpack Weight
Numpad 6: Set Speed
Numpad 7: Set Learning
Numpad 8: Set Stealth
Numpad 9: Set Level
Numpad 0: Set XP
Numpad /: Set Skill Points
Numpad *: Item Multiplier
Numpad -: No Reload


Numpad 1: Set/Reset Health - open the character sheet and press this
to set the value to the value shown in the trainer.
Numpad 2: Set/Reset Stamina - open the character sheet and press this
to set the value to the value shown in the trainer.
Numpad 3: Set/Reset Hunger - open the character sheet and press this
to set the value to the value shown in the trainer.
Numpad 4: Set/Reset Thirst - open the character sheet and press this
to set the value to the value shown in the trainer.
Numpad 5: Set Max Backpack Weight - open the character sheet and press this
to set the value to the value shown in the trainer.
Numpad 6: Set Speed - open the character sheet and press this
to set the value to the value shown in the trainer.
Numpad 7: Set Learning - open the character sheet and press this
to set the value to the value shown in the trainer.
Numpad 8: Set Stealth - open the character sheet and press this
to set the value to the value
shown in the trainer.
Numpad 9: Set Level - open the character sheet and press this
to set the value to the value shown in the trainer.
Numpad 0: Set XP - open the character sheet and press this
to set the value to the value shown in the trainer.
Numpad /: Set Skill Points - open the character sheet and press this
to set the value to the value shown in the trainer.
Numpad *: Item Multiplier - you can use this to multiply the number
if items you have if you have more than 1 of them. Best
used for consumables, ammo, grenades, and credits. Go to the
inventory, then toggle this on, then right click on an item
and then choose DIVIDE. Once it divides you have the original
amount multiplied plus 1/2 of the original amount is created.
You can quickly multiply the amount of items you have this way.
Numpad -: No Reload - toggle this on and many weapons that use ammo
such as guns, rifles, shotguns, etc., will fire without
the current clip count dropping.