Welcome to our website. you are into the Jaws of Extinction trainer page. Without too many premises let's describe this article!
The guide may not be 100% complete! If you have found something we don't have contact us. We will be happy to update this article with what you have sent us.
Available on this site are also the cheats of Jaws of Extinction: codes and strategies inside the page will allow you to get to the end of the game without any problem overcoming any kind of obstacle. Check now our official page dedicated to Jaws of Extinction cheats.
The golden fields, tranquil forests and swamps, the dark, vast cities, abandoned cities and settlements of makeshift. Here is where the last bastion of humanity is fighting to survive - the beautiful but ruthless island of Eden-Nadir.
Once all the premises have been completed, we will show you the promo trainer we have recovered and the guide written specifically for us by the authors of the program.
Download Trainer
Actually it is very rare to find games containing cheats because game developers are not interested at keeping them in their games. So the creation of cheats is executed by external programmers that spend their time and skills into the creation of trainers, programs that let you cheat on a particular game. They do it for passion or for money. Whatever the motivation, it's right to reward them for the time spent on their work.
Paid Cheats and Trainers are better in quality, contains more functionalities. They are maintained and supported by their developers.
Respect of the Copyright
The software you are about to download was not created by Apocanow. However, we have permission to publish and publicize by its authors Jaws of Extinction: Trainer - The file you are about to download is virus free, even if sometimes your antivirus can trigger for a false positive.
Activating this trainer
Listen for 'Trainer Activated'.
Press desired hotkey. All hotkeys can be changed on the trainer.
Promo Options
Editor Options
Health Max
Hunger Max
Hydration Max
Energy Max
Well Being
Stamina Max
# Pistol:
Current Clip Amount