The story of Monster Hunter Stories begins at the Rider Village, a village where the heroes fight it out to become the Rider and leader of the kingdom. But a strange disease is going to hit the population and it is all the fault of the power radiated from the stone Kizuna, in the possession of the head of the village.
This walkthrough is valid for PC / 3DS. We update the list of consoles every time a new one is added to the list.
Not only that, we can also offer you cheats and cheat codes for this game! See the Monster Hunter Stories cheats , page that is a selection of cheats and strategies to overcome any hostility the game puts in front of you. Together with the cheats you can also find the list of objectives and trophies and how obtain them.
We can also offer you the Trainer for this game. On a separate page you can download the Trainer of , which will allow you to get some new cheats that can not be created otherwise.