Dying: Reborn: Walkthrough and Guide

The complete walkthrough and the guide of Dying: Reborn for PS4 / XBOX ONE / PSVITA!
Dying: Reborn:

Introduction and plot

We are pleased to present you this article dedicated to the walkthrough and the complete guide of Dying: Reborn. Here you will find all the resources that our staff have found about Dying: Reborn. We also have, eventually, trainers and achievements guide for this game.

If you know other secrets or elements to improve the walkthrough, do not hesitate to contact us, you will make it more complete and more useful to all its visitors.

We have material valid for PS4 / XBOX ONE / PSVITA. The list of consoles is continuously updated from PS4 / XBOX ONE / PSVITA, the date on which Dying: Reborn was released.

We also have cheats for Dying: Reborn! In our dedicated page about cheats for Dying: Reborn you will find codes and unlockable to overcome all obstacles and reach the end of the game without any worries.

In the page dedicated at the cheats for this game you can read the list of objectives to be reached for the corresponding consoles, together with a small explanation on how to reach them.

After this introduction, here is the walkthrough we promised to you. The walkthrough is divided into several parts when it is too long.

Part 1: Awakening

This is the part 0 of the Dying: Reborn Walkthrough and Guide, called: Part 1: Awakening. Press on the video twice to open it!
Click to open the Video

Part 2: Imprisoned 1

Press two times to show the video number 1 of the Dying: Reborn Walkthrough, entitled: Part 2: Imprisoned 1.
Click to open the Video

Part 3: The Imprisoned 2

Here is the video Part 3: The Imprisoned 2, number 2 of the Guide of Dying: Reborn.
Click to open the Video

Part 4: The Last Port

This is the part 3 of the Dying: Reborn Walkthrough and Guide, called: Part 4: The Last Port. Press on the video twice to open it!
Click to open the Video

Part 5: The Land, Corrupted

Press two times to show the video number 4 of the Dying: Reborn Walkthrough, entitled: Part 5: The Land, Corrupted.
Click to open the Video

Part 6: The Lie of the Sample

Here is the video Part 6: The Lie of the Sample, number 5 of the Guide of Dying: Reborn.
Click to open the Video

Part 7: The Dying Man

This is the part 6 of the Dying: Reborn Walkthrough and Guide, called: Part 7: The Dying Man. Press on the video twice to open it!
Click to open the Video
Cherri Andrea640360