OK KO: Let's Play Heroes: Walkthrough and Guide

Page dedicated to the walkthrough and the complete guide for OK KO: Let's Play Heroes (PC / PS4 / XBOX ONE).
OK KO: Let's Play Heroes:

Introduction and plot

We present the page of Apocanow dedicated to the complete walkthrough and the guide of OK KO: Let's Play Heroes! Here you will find all the secrets and tips to get ahead in the game, overcome difficult parts and discover new parts of the game.

We hope it will help you. If you have any suggestions for this guide, please contact us and we will update the page.

This game was released on 23/01/2018 and the walkthrough you are going to read is valid for PC / PS4 / XBOX ONE. This list will be updated over time whenever we notice the existence of new consoles on which OK KO: Let's Play Heroes has been published.

Once all the premises are finished, we show you the walkthrough we have recovered, divided into one or more videos based on the size of the game.

Part 1

This is the part 0 of the OK KO: Let's Play Heroes Walkthrough and Guide, called: Part 1. Press on the video twice to open it!
Click to open the Video

Part 2

Press two times to show the video number 1 of the OK KO: Let's Play Heroes Walkthrough, entitled: Part 2.
Click to open the Video

Part 3

Here is the video Part 3, number 2 of the Guide of OK KO: Let's Play Heroes.
Click to open the Video
Cherri Andrea640360