Fairy Tail: Walkthrough and Guide

Walkthrough, guide and secrets for Fairy Tail (PC / PS4 / SWITCH) For example: Infinite HP and Infinite MP.
Fairy Tail:

Introduction and plot

Welcome to the page relative to the walkthrough of Fairy Tail. We show you all the material we found, as this is a site completely dedicated to videogames walkthroughs and guides.

If you have found something else useful, let's integrate it in this guide. We are always happy to integrate articles with new things.

All the informations about the Fairy Tail walkthrough contained in this article are valid from 29/06/2020, for PC / PS4 / SWITCH. The list is updated every time the game is published for a new one console.

Not enough? We also have cheats for Fairy Tail! You can find them in the dedicated page of cheats and cheat codes for Fairy Tail into this site. Inside the page there are paragraphs about the cheats and the unlockables of the game. If you are stuck somewhere in the game, or you just want have more fun out of the rules, no way is better to consult the cheats we have collected for you.

Do you want to have lots of effective cheats? Then you have to try the trainer of available on this site in a separate page. Download it then and run it while you play: it will allow you to unlock new cheats otherwise unlockable.

We have also collected for you the list of achievements, available on the page of the cheats for this game, with a small explanation on how to get them.

And now finally the long-awaited walkthrough for this game. The guide is divided into several videos, unless the game is short.

Introduction at Fairy Tail

This is the part 0 of the Fairy Tail Walkthrough and Guide, called: Introduction at Fairy Tail. Press on the video twice to open it!
Click to open the Video

Part 2

Press two times to show the video number 1 of the Fairy Tail Walkthrough, entitled: Part 2.
Click to open the Video

Part 3

Here is the video Part 3, number 2 of the Guide of Fairy Tail.
Click to open the Video

The Final Part

This is the part 3 of the Fairy Tail Walkthrough and Guide, called: The Final Part. Press on the video twice to open it!
Click to open the Video
Cherri Andrea640360