Samus Aran is sent by the Galactic Federation on SR388, in an attempt to wipe out once and for all the threat of the terrible Metroid directly from their home planet. So a hunting for a well-thirty-nine parasites in space, to trace, one after another, exploring the length and breadth of the intricate system of caves found in the subsoil of SR388. A safari star on the first excited a lot, you want to return to the typical atmosphere of a franchise that for so much we have dreamed so ardently to review, you want to up the pace slightly faster than usual, but that after a few hours of the game - and for the entire central phase of an adventure that you will be engaged for a little less than twelve hours - shows the side to a repetitiveness that is objectively undeniable.
This walkthrough is valid for 3DS. We update the list of consoles every time a new one is added to the list.