Welcome! We have created the guide of Hidden Dragon: Legend.
If you have found something else useful, let's integrate it in this guide. We are always happy to integrate articles with new things.
We have material valid for PC / PS4. The list of consoles is continuously updated from PC / PS4, the date on which Hidden Dragon: Legend was released.
The introduction is over, here is the walkthrough for this game, divided into one or more videos taken from YouTube.
This is the part 0 of the Hidden Dragon: Legend Walkthrough and Guide, called: Prologue. Press on the video twice to open it!

Click to open the Video
Press two times to show the video number 1 of the Hidden Dragon: Legend Walkthrough, entitled: Chapter 1.

Click to open the Video
Here is the video Chapter 2, number 2 of the Guide of Hidden Dragon: Legend.

Click to open the Video
This is the part 3 of the Hidden Dragon: Legend Walkthrough and Guide, called: Chapter 3. Press on the video twice to open it!

Click to open the Video
Press two times to show the video number 4 of the Hidden Dragon: Legend Walkthrough, entitled: Chapter 4.

Click to open the Video