Pocket Academy 3: Walkthrough and Guide

The page dedicated to the walkthrough for Pocket Academy 3 (PC / IPHONE / ANDROID). You will also find guides, secrets and much more.
Pocket Academy 3:

Introduction and plot

Welcome to our pages, especially in the one dedicated to the walkthrough of Pocket Academy 3. Without going too far, let's introduce this article to you!

If you think you have something to add to the article, we suggest to contact us and we will be happy to publish your things if they are useful.

We have material valid for PC / IPHONE / ANDROID. The list of consoles is continuously updated from PC / IPHONE / ANDROID, the date on which Pocket Academy 3 was released.

In the following Pocket Academy 3 cheats page you will be able to see every cheats and cheat codes we managed to collect for this game. Thanks to them you will be able to overcome any difficulty.

Thank you for reading this brief introduction. Let's show the walkthrough now. It's divided suitably into more videos by its author when it is too big.

First impressions

This is the part 0 of the Pocket Academy 3 Walkthrough and Guide, called: First impressions. Press on the video twice to open it!
Click to open the Video

Second year

Press two times to show the video number 1 of the Pocket Academy 3 Walkthrough, entitled: Second year.
Click to open the Video

Third year

Here is the video Third year, number 2 of the Guide of Pocket Academy 3.
Click to open the Video

First grade school

This is the part 3 of the Pocket Academy 3 Walkthrough and Guide, called: First grade school. Press on the video twice to open it!
Click to open the Video

Elite school

Press two times to show the video number 4 of the Pocket Academy 3 Walkthrough, entitled: Elite school.
Click to open the Video

Prestigious school

Here is the video Prestigious school, number 5 of the Guide of Pocket Academy 3.
Click to open the Video


This is the part 6 of the Pocket Academy 3 Walkthrough and Guide, called: Endgame. Press on the video twice to open it!
Click to open the Video

Guide to the points

Press two times to show the video number 7 of the Pocket Academy 3 Walkthrough, entitled: Guide to the points.
Click to open the Video

Guide to the new plus game

Here is the video Guide to the new plus game, number 8 of the Guide of Pocket Academy 3.
Click to open the Video
Cherri Andrea640360