Fairy tale characters discover that a three-dimensional world lies beyond the pages of their book, and to save their friends they must travel between the 2D and 3D realms in this enchanting action adventure.
The Plucky Squire has been released on 17/09/2024 for PC. We take care to update the list of consoles for which the game has been published over time.
Good news! For this game we also have cheats. On this page dedicated to the cheats of The Plucky Squire you will find all the cheats and cheat codes that will surely improve your experience with this game.
If you really want a lot of cheats for then it's your lucky day! We have a Trainer on a different page on this site that, once downloaded and executed during the game, will allow you to unlock many cheats. The list of unlocked cheats can be found at the bottom, always on the dedicated page.