Cheats and codes for: First Dwarf (PC)

Page dedicated to First Dwarf cheats, codes and secrets for PC.


First Dwarf: Plot of the game

Welcome! Below we have collected the cheats of First Dwarf, but not only. Any achievement, code or trainer will be shown on this page if and when they are available.

If you find more cheats, do not hesitate to send them. We will add them to those already existing.

If there's one thing dwarves are better at than maintaining their beards, it's engineering.Jump into your mech, build a base and explore the destroyed fantasy world in this addictive action RPG.

First Dwarf has been published on 19/06/2024 for PC. We take care to update the list of consoles for which the game was published over time if the cheats are they also applied to new arrivals.

Discover cheats and cheat codes for First Dwarf (PC): Endless health and game speed.

We have also found a Trainer for this game. This software allows you to add cheats to the game that you could not get in any other way.

Thank you for reading this short introduction. Let's go and show the cheats.


Trainers and cheat codes for this game

Trainers for First Dwarf are small, downloadable programs that add functionalities to the game, mainly with the aim of cheating. These functionalities are not available in other ways. Click on the preferred trainer to download it:
Download Page First Dwarf (0.314 / +24)
  • Unlimited Health
  • Unlimited Stamina
  • Super Jump
  • Super Speed
  • Super Damage
  • Unlimited Wood
  • Unlimited Stone
  • Unlimited Steel
  • Freeze Time of Day
  • Invincible Buildings and Friendies
  • Instant Repair
  • Game Speed
  • Edit: Level
  • Edit: HP
  • Edit: Max HP
  • Edit: Stamina
  • Edit: Max Stamina
  • Edit: Attack Power
  • Edit: Defense Power
  • Edit: Global Level
  • Edit: Global Experience
  • Edit: Character Points
  • Edit: Tech Points
  • Edit: Skill Points
  • Edit: Total Time in Game
Cherri Andrea640360