Welcome to the page regarding the cheats of Tankhead. We show you all the things we found. Our site is completely dedicated to cheats and walkthroughs of videogames.
If you know other cheats, suggest them by contacting us and we will be happy to publish them here on this article.
Embark on a thrilling journey as Whitaker and pilot a drone-controlled armored vehicle across the desolate ECA.Face fierce enemies, scavenge valuable parts, and fight to survive in this fast-paced sci-fi world on your way to Highpoint.
The cheats in our possession are valid for and they should be all the valid ones since the game came out, that is 11/12/2024. We update the list of consoles every time.
Discover cheats and cheat codes for Tankhead (): Game speed and no reload.
In addition to the cheats we can also provide you the walkthrough of this game in the form of a video guide. Enter the Tankhead walkthrough page and you will be able to find a step by step guide to finish the game and find the game collectibles.
You can also download a Tankhead promo trainer offered by third parties. If you run the game, this trainer will activate for you many cheats that you could not otherwise obtain.
Thank you for reading this short introduction. Let's go and show the cheats.